Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention it was ribbon week at gymnastics... Ta Da
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Getting Ready for Christmas
Our favorite star
Christmas cow
School sing along
Elise all dolled up and sparkly for her program
This past week was a bit of a whirlwind. Both kids had programs at school this week, and both occasions, despite having been on the calendar for quite some time, really seemed to sneak up on us!
Elise was a bit of a deer in the headlights, but did great, and looked fabulous :) Jerod's school did a holiday sing along celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Eid. Let me tell you, it was quite educational for a family of very white folks from Kansas!
Today was church program today. Very fun and very cute. School is now out until 2009. We're looking forward to a break from the routine!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Photo Dump
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
A nice picture
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It looks like she's smoking, but she's not.
Jerod with his Joe Mauer sideburns

neighborhood halloween fun

I have no idea why blogger is rotating this picture, but here's Jerod after losing his first tooth.
neighborhood halloween fun
I have no idea why blogger is rotating this picture, but here's Jerod after losing his first tooth.
Jerod's class at Halloween
Jerod and school pal Thilo
Elise's birthday party
We are feeling that life is very busy right now, but it's pretty much the same thing week after week; so there hasn't been a lot to report. The kids are both doing very well. A couple of Saturdays back, Jerod was actually disappointed that he didn't get to go to school. What a weirdo! :)
I've been sick for, oh let's see, a really stinking long time now. It started with a cough. I didn't feel bad at all, I just had a cough. Pretty much drove my entire family flippin' nuts. That was three weeks, then something settled in my head and sinuses and I hit rock bottom. I went to the doctor, who prescribed antibiotics (which I really only like to take if I'm going toward the light). Though pretty uncertain that I had anything bacterial, I was ready to try anything, so I'm on day seven of a 10 day regimen. I'm feeling much better, but frustrated to still be congested, coughing, and not breathing as well as I'd like. I've continued running off and on (with the doc's permission... a little is good for immunity he claimed). That seems to be the time I notice it most... just can't catch my breath as easily as usual.
We had a very fun Halloween with our neighbors. We gathered for chili before trick or treating, then projected 'The Great Pumpkin' onto their garage door. The weather was absolutely fantastic... probably our best Minnesota Halloween in terms of weather.
We are gearing up to go to my grandparents for Thanksgiving. I can't really believe it's that time of year.
And, if you're waiting for video of the piano recital, so am I. There's some sort of uploading issue that I can't figure out. I'll keep trying.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Time flies...
Wow... I'm not quite sure where the last month has gone. Since I've last written, we've been to Woodbine, Chris and I ran the Omaha half marathon, Jerod ran a half mile fun run for school, Grandma Kathi's been here, Chris and I attended our 10 year college reunion at Southwestern, and we celebrated Elise's fourth birthday. I guess that's where the last month has gone. We tend to like busy, so all is well. Additionally, Jerod's still taking piano, and Elise is doing swimming and gymnastics.
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