OK, my motives for starting this blog were two-fold. One was to keep friends and family updated on the antics of the Holt family. The other was to do a little journaling. I thought it might be nice to document our lives a little since neither of my kids have a baby book. This one's more on the journaling side, so it will be a little mundane.
Elise woke up at 4:30 this morning. She's had a little night waking issue. I haven't dealt with it in a manner that one would call effective. It doesn't happen every night, so I've maybe gone a little too easy on her. She'll wake up and lots of times and if I go and rock her for a minute, she'll go right back to bed. However, there are days (like today), where when I put her back in bed she comes to the door and lays on the floor calling, "Momma, Momma, Momma." Why do they never say, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy???" The result is that she and I have both been up since 4:30. Ouch! I thought we'd have a nice long nap to look forward to this afternoon, but she's bucking that system :-(
My wise husband tells me that we should just take her potty (when yelling for me, she often says she needs to potty... she's REALLY working us over!), put her in bed and let her wail. Seems simple enough, but why have I not taken this approach???!!?? I have no good answer, though my sympathies for her are running low, perhaps because I've been awake since 4:30. Have I mentioned that she woke up at 4:30 this morning????
Anyhoo... other than the early wake up call this morning, we've had a nice (though bitterly cold) weekend. Jerod had soccer yesterday morning then we were home for the day, except for Chris who had to brave the far below zero temps to go to the grocery store and computer store to buy a new monitor to replace our dead one. We had the middle midwestern favorite of chicken and noodles with mashed potatoes for dinner. There's just nothin' like good, starchy comfort food on a cold night! Friday evening I went to neighborhood bunco, a mindless dice rolling game that's really just an excuse to get out of the house and eat :) I had to fill out a card that said, "The bad habit I hope to drop this year is_____________." I filled mine in with "being mean and negative." Hopefully I'll get a little more sleep tonight so I'll have a prayer of that happening!!
I haven't taken any pictures recently, so here's some older ones. Elise at her birthday party and Jerod sometime this past summer.
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