Ahhhh... Friday evening, 8:40 p.m., the rugrats are in bed and Chris is out for the evening. I seldom experience such peace in my life!
Yesterday the kids and I went for the official conference following Elise's speech evaluation. Not a surprise after previous posts, but the news was good (which I was pretty much told after her last testing session). She and I are WAY TOO MUCH alike, which results in a lot of head-butting, so it was great to hear someone say such nice things about her :) They talked about how compliant she is, how easily she separated from me, how she just 'goes with the flow.' To which I had to respond, "how nice for you... could you move in with us???" As a girl, I am super glad that she has the traits she does (stubborness, strong will, power over every situation she comes into contact with). However, I'll be glad when we move away from the three year old manifestations of those traits! It is hard to believe that my two kids can come from the same womb, yet be so completely different. Both great and special in their own ways, just totally and completely different!
Everything is status quo for Jerod. It was solar system week at his school... right up his alley. Next week is 'count with me' week. I'm not sure what that means, but I do know that I'm going on a field trip with his class to the grocery store on Monday. Being that the whole time he's been in preschool I've had Elise, I've never gotten to venture on one of these field trips. Now that she's in school, however, I get my chance. Jerod said, "I hope I get to sit next to you on the bus." Gosh, could we just freeze age 5 forever so that he'd ALWAYS want to sit next to me on the bus??? I'm going to try to savor the moment, as I know it won't last!!!
Again, I don't have any good, new pictures to post, so here's one of Jerod from last summer... blissed out and enjoying a S'more while camping.
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