So, we are filled to the brim with Countryside pride. If you know me at all, you know I hate change. Overall, however, this has been a very good one. Other than taking a few days for Jerod to earn a spot in the recess football game (oh, playground politics, how I hate you!!), he has transitioned smoothly. I keep asking him how he's feeling about the change. I think it's safe to say he misses ISM and some of his pals there, but he consistently tells me he's glad to be going to C-side because he gets to "sleep in." The necessary background information is that he had to get on the bust at 7:15am last year and did not get home until after 5 (which only helped with our decision to switch schools, but I digress...).
He now gets on the bus at 9:08. We all know I'm no math wizard, but that's dang near two extra hours at home in the morning for the boy. For better or for worse, Jerod's version of 'sleeping in' consists of him sleeping until maybe 7:15. There are some advantages to all this extra time in the morning. He's able to practice piano, which means we no longer have to practice with end of the day tired and grumpy Jerod. As a general rule, he's fresh and rested and the a.m. practice routine goes really well. Additionally, since we've got such a chunk of time in the morning, I usually don't even open his backpack until morning (this will change when we start having homework, but we're not there yet). I have plenty of time to take care of any of the take-home folder parental busy work before the bus comes.
The downside is that this gives my kids ample opportunity to drive each other, and me, and sometimes Chris, completely and totally nuts. I sometimes feel as though I'm going to need to separate them for the next 10 years if they're going to keep from killing one another. The bickering is epic. Yelling, biting, hitting, kicking... it's mayhem I tell you.
I cannot tell a lie. I know who's behavior they're modeling when they yell. I've never made any claims to being mother of the year, and yes, I occasionally yell. But... the biting, hitting and kicking?? I'm immature, but I'm not that immature. At times they just completely and totally lose control of themselves, and it freaks me out.
So... we are currently working to find our morning routine, working to find appropriate consequences for unacceptable physical behavior, and trying desperately not to lose our minds. This house is currently a battle ground from 8am-9am. I am weary of it, and it's only the second week of school. As the locals say... UFF DAH!
Don't try to fool us, Anne. I've seen you biting and kicking and hitting. Oh, wait. I think that was my kids. Love this post!
Man I hear ya, sounds like my house. Lately I have been demanding complete silence at breakfast time. If I hear "Henry/Charlie/George is a poopy face" one more time I'm going to effing lose it. Who am kidding, I pretty much lose it on a daily basis.
No words of wisdom for you, you are not alone though.
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