Friday, July 25, 2008

You know your kid's spent a fair amount of time in Iowa when...

Man, July is crazy around here.

For the past six years, Chris and I have spent the third week of July at the Christian Conference Center in Newton, Iowa counseling high school camp. This was quite a labor of love this year. We spent six days at home after our Fourth of July journey, then it was time to head out for camp. The problem is, I'm a home body! All the logistics of two trips so close together had me pretty beat. In the process, I repeatedly said, "This is the LAST year I'm doing this!!!!". Famous last words maybe, because we really had an unbelievable time there this year. We'll see what the future holds...

The kids have been at VBS this week with some friends. They had a great time, but are pretty wiped out. Most of our scheduled stuff for the summer is done. Now we're just going to hang out and enjoy what's left of summer. Jerod asked for snow today (he's wanting to snow board). Who's child is he????

And the title of this post...
When we got back into town last Sunday we were driving at 66th and France (a very busy area, right in the middle of town). Jerod said, "Is there a double yellow line here?".
"No," we replied.
"Good, then it's ok to pass tractors here."

You probably had to be there, but Chris and I got quite a kick out of it :)

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